Crow Moon is #1 Amazon bestseller

In not one, but two categories on – Shamanism and Occult Shamanism! A couple of years ago being listed in these categories would have freaked me out. Now I am deeply proud to be making waves in them.

This book launch is a coming out of the shadow of fear for me. For the launch of my last book, She of the Sea, I hid. I became paralyzed with anxiety and vulnerability. I could not speak about it. Terrified about what I had put out into the world… about magic and soul and spirituality.

Writing Crow Moon made me confront and transform layer after layer of fear and allowed me to step into a bigger truer self that had been beckoning me since my teens. That I had rejected and run from in fear time and time again. This launch period is a celebration of all that I did in private, but this time embodying it publicly as I release this work out into the world. I am not taking for granted the incredible response it is getting in its first days. In fact I am amazed, delighted…I thought it would be a niche book with small sales.

Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered it direct from us at Womancraft Publishing and Amazon, and who have bought it since its launch.

These are just a fraction of the beautiful responses I have received so far…

“Your acts of beauty and courage break the silence and bring warmth into the shadows. I salute you sister.”

Amantha Murphy, author

” You are a way shower helping others to feel free to show themselves too. “

Sophie Messager, author

“I have just finished Crow Moon, the latest book by Lucy Pearce. I literally couldn’t put it down. I would stop reading, walk away to do something else and then find myself back again. I was continually pulled back to read more and more not sure where this book was leading me. But the words pulled at my soul toward my own Crow Moon. My own initiation. And as I discovered, that initiation was to find my inner artist again. It all clicked into place for me. What I have been hoping to find, where my path was taking me, how was I being reborn. It all lead here to this book, this place of initiation into my inner creative self. Setting her free with me onto my spiritual path of healing. She is what has been missing from my healing tied oh so tightly to healing all of me. Making me whole, finding my bits and pieces that had been shattered and relegated to my shadow self. I am giddy and joyful and so looking forward to this path. To continue to be the beginner who is brave and strong and oh so creative. Who is thriving again.”

Donna Donabella

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