Wild Initiations

Join me for a powerful series of intimate conversations with an inspirational group of authors, artists, healers and therapists. These are women whose work has inspired my own, whose paths, like mine, have brought them to the heart of the dark wood. Benefit from their personal insights on the journey to claiming their spiritual and creative gifts and wisdom.

I am so excited to share our conversations with you.

Each of the women and their work have, in one way or another, had an impact on my new book, Crow Moon: reclaiming the wisdom of the dark woods.

“One of the very BEST conversation series I’ve had the pleasure to listen to!”

Theresa MacNaughton

  • Toko-Pa Turner, (dreamwork teacher, multiple award-winning author Belonging,)
  • Amanda Yates Garcia (Oracle of LA, author of Initiated),
  • Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee (Interspiritual Teacher and Associate Professor)
  • Phyllis Curott (author of Witch Crafting, Wicca Made Easy, co-creator of The Witches Wisdom Tarot, founder of Temple of Ara)
  • Danielle Dulsky (author of The Holy Wild, Bones & Honey)
  • M.J. Cullinane (creatrix of The Crow Tarot)
  • Seren Bertrand (author Womb Awakening, Spirit Weaver)
  • Molly Remer (creatrix of Brigids Grove goddesses, author of Walking with Persephone, The Goddess Devotional)


For centuries the dark woods have symbolised the dark unknown within. The place where we lose our bearings. Often we experience the inner dark woods at times of change, especially at midlife.

At these moments of archetypal emergence, transformation, initiation and wild revelation we can often feel alone, especially if we look to mainstream culture for guidance or reassurance. We may feel as though we are going crazy. We are not. We are becoming whole, more real than we have ever allowed ourselves to be.

You are not alone. A whole silent sisterhood is walking their own paths through the dark woods. Let us see where our paths cross and where they diverge, let’s look for clues and signs on the path.

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