A Decade of Books

It is hard to believe that this month marks a decade of being an author. What a ride it has been! I am so, so deeply grateful to each and every one of my readers, most especially those of you who have been with me since the early days and have seen me grow and develop as a writer as I learned how to move from blogging and article writing into books.

My how things have changed. I’m now the author of ten books (with several more in the works), plus multiple editions of my first three… Writing – and publishing – books has become my daily work. But I remember so clearly that feeling of longing to write a book, get it published, but not even knowing where to start. I get contacted by so many women each month in that same place. I try to offer what support I can through my e-course, Be Your Own Publisher and Your Authentic Voice, and in September will be launching my new e-course, Structuring the Soul of Writing for those wanting to understand more about editing and structuring their work.

“The first book I wrote changed my life.

I have since learned that books have a tendency to do that. You start writing them because you think you know enough about the subject, and quickly find yourself undergoing a drastic education in every aspect of yourself and the topic in order to bring forth the book.

My first book, The Rainbow Way, was written for myself as a new mother, struggling to find time to be creative as a way of preserving my own sanity. It was a cry in the dark: for answers, for methods of making creativity happen, and for a tribe of creative women. I felt utterly alone and deeply strange for my unstinting need to create.

Until I became a mother I had taken my creative needs for granted. It was only when my time and energy to create were severely limited that I realised how central they were to me as a person.

I knew I was onto something when the idea for the book first hit me: there was nothing like it out there. I took Toni Morrison’s sage advice: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” And so I, who had consumed several thousand books as an avid reader, wrote my first book and then walked the well-worn path of desperate wannabe author looking for a publisher. Since then I have written lots more books and started a publishing company more aligned with my own vision: one that celebrates women’s creativity.”

The opening words from my book Creatrix: she who makes.

This is the third iteration of my first published book, Moon Time, (written and self-published as a little side project whilst I was waiting for a publisher to pick up The Rainbow Way) has become a perennial bestseller, credited by countless women with helping them connect to their cycles and bodies in a whole new way.

I have completely revised and updated it to mark its tenth anniversary.

What’s new? New cover art… by me.

And lots more words. The first edition was 29,000 words, the second edition was 39,000 words, the third edition is 59,000 words.

Whether you are coming off the Pill, wanting to understand your fertility, struggling with PMS, healing from womb issues, coming back to cycles after childbirth or just wanting a deeper understanding of your body, Moon Time is an empowering read.

This extended tenth anniversary edition includes a diverse range of voices sharing lived experience of many facets of menstruation: endometriosis, perimenopause, menstrual migraine, PCOS, gender dysphoria, PMDD and neurodivergence.

With new sections on:

  • Yoga for moon time
  • Perimenopause
  • Chocolate and herbs
  • Expanded and updated resource section.

It’s currently available to pre-order from Womancraft and will ship at the end of May… If you get your signed copy direct from us it comes with some fab pre-order bonuses. It will be available on Amazon, Book Depository etc from early June.

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