My New Book – Full Circle Health

Wow, it’s been a while – all my writing energy has been going into books, and I’m really excited to share that PRE-ORDERS ARE OPEN for Full Circle Health: integrated health charting for women, my 6th book.

I know, you were all expecting Medicine Woman… or The Creative Way! I was too! But both of those books are still in progress. Full Circle Health is a side project that emerged when I was stuck on them in the first part of the year. And I’m very proud of it – it’s not just a book… but a charting system!
For most of my adult life I have been trying to explore and express what it means to inhabit my cyclical female body. I have picked up many tools and tried many approaches to charting my inner and outer life. I have charted my menstrual cycles, my moods, energy, habits, food intake, dreams… This was done in various written journals, sketchbooks, Excel spreadsheets, Leonie Dawson’s Life and Business Planners… not to mention my dream journal and cycle-tracking diary. So many books and scraps of paper piled beside my bed, with my computer balanced precariously on top. Keeping track of my health and life was almost a full-time job… but guaranteed I could never lay my hands on the right book at the right time.

In early January I was filling in the first days of our Womancraft Publishing Moon Dreams charting diary, whilst simultaneously writing Medicine Woman, when I realised that I needed an integrated space to reflect and capture every level of my body-mind. Something to stand testament to the feminine aspects of my body and inner life, which otherwise are hidden, silenced and untended. I needed a tool to help to re-train my body and mind, which would bring me into daily reconnection with them. I needed a system that would combine all these aspects into one easy-to-use format, so that I could have all that information in one place, at my fingertips. It needed to be something:

  • That integrated all the parts of my health – cycle, physical, mental, energetic.
  • That incorporated words and images.
  • That was structured yet flexible, and allowed space for me to reflect on the fullness of my experience. | That encouraged me to turn up to it daily.
  • That enabled me to compile and easily track habits and symptoms in a monthly format, in order to get a detailed overview of my health.

Full Circle Health is the answer. It is an integration and expansion of all of my previous books and my own personal practice. It brings me full circle in my own work, combining my visual and written work, with my passion for women’s health and empowerment. And it is a departure from my previous books, in that it offers an integral visual framework, and values images as much as words.

Full Circle Health is a creative way to journal each day, offering a framework to support you which is flexible enough to be tailored to your unique body, abilities, needs and cycles that you are experiencing right now. It provides a highly flexible, deeply supportive way of tracking your physical, mental and emotional health.

With guidance on:

  • Cycles and why they are important for women’s health
  • Health charting for a variety of physical and mental health conditions
  • Menstrual charting
  • Lunar charting
  • Dream charting
  • Guided journaling

With 35 daily charting spreads, a monthly habit tracker, charting grid and full circle charts, this integrated tool will help you to track your symptoms, energy levels, medication, self-care and support you in integrating health-making habits and mindful awareness into your daily life.


-Your copy, signed by the author.
-Exclusive audio tracks to accompany the book.
-A free PDF copy of the book – making printing off spare charting sheets a doddle.

You’ll find lots of other fabulous titles on the website for menstrual health, women’s creativity, cycle charting, jewellery, cards, gift sets and goddesses …

You’ll also find my popular online writing course – Your Authentic Voicewhich is running again this May – the only time I can find to run it in 2017.

I’m offering early bird prices – saving 15% until midnight tomorrow, Tuesday 25th April.

The course starts on Friday May 5th.


In this course I share with you the powerful techniques I have developed for connecting to your authentic voice: the one that longs to be born through you.

This is the class that I have been looking for… and never found.

It promises to be an adventure you will not forget.

If you are prepared to answer the call.

To show up with courage.

And do the work.

Then I am here, as your guide.

Your Authentic Voice is unlike any other writing course I have seen before and has had a powerful impact on previous students. In it we dive far below the surface, connect to your courage and sidestep fear to uncover the voice you may only have sensed was there.

Your authentic voice

The one that aches to be heard. With the messages it is hungry to share.

Suitable for all levels of writers – from those just finding the courage to connect with their voice through their journal, to bloggers and professional writers.

Come see what riches you have hidden within you.

Click here and JOIN US for just €69

It comes with access to a dedicated, friendly, supportive Facebook communities of writers  – to share your work, get support and ask questions.

I look forward to supporting your writing dreams and helping make them a reality.

Here’s to your creativity,

Lucy H Pearce

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