WORD + image


WORD + image is my new creative online adventure – AKA e-course – in which I share the techniques I have developed and made my own, over the past few years.


We’re going to…

And explore what happens – what heals – what changes – when words and images come together.

Join me, Amazon bestselling author and vibrant artist, Lucy H. Pearce, for a 4-week online adventure to heal the split between word and image in your life and work. You will discover new approaches to connecting both sides of your brain and your masculine and feminine energies to enrich your creative practice.

You don’t need to call yourself an Artist or a Writer to join us.

This is a playful course… and a deep exploration of the connections between word… and image. For everyone who is looking for a creative adventure through the combination of writing and visual expression. Using journals, cameras and mixed media, we break down barriers, and learn to let the words and images out of the box. Spiralling in to the heart of the creative source where there is no division between the two.

In the course I will be taking you behind the scenes in my own creative life, sharing my private journals for the very first time, so that you can see how word and image combine in the seeding of my own creative work.

Fill your creative toolbox with new techniques and build your understanding of the creative process.

You will receive:

  • A materials list and welcome email within 48 hours of signing up.
  • Course materials delivered weekly to your inbox for four weeks. Materials include a written course guide, audio/ video teaching files, short readings, creative exercises and an extended reading list for those wanting to dive deeper.
  • A Facebook group to share your work and the process with others on the course. (This element is of course optional – if you are wanting an inteactive element to the course.)

These materials are yours to download and keep, to work on at your own pace. Lucy will be in the Facebook group regularly over the duration of the course. You need to allow 2-3 hours a week to work through the course materials. Exercises are broken down into short steps for busy folk!

About your tutor: Lucy H. Pearce is the author of numerous life-changing non-fiction books for women, including Burning Woman; The Rainbow Way: cultivating creativity in the midst of motherhood and Moon Time: harness the ever-changing energy of your menstrual cycle are Amazon #1 bestsellers in their field.

Lucy’s work is dedicated to supporting women’s empowered, embodied expression. She is the founding publisher at Womancraft Publishing. Former co-editor and columnist at JUNO magazine, she is a graduate in teaching from Cambridge University in English and Drama. Her other e-courses include: Your Authentic Voice – an extraordinary writing adventure, and Be Your Own Publisher – a beginners’ guide to self-publishing success.